Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Ice Breakers/Getting Started Sessions

Team building activities are not silly games; rather, they are powerful tools that increase the rate at which individuals become part of a larger community. A fun and high-energy approach keeps participants interacting while becoming strongly connected.

Managing Dysfunctional Group Behaviors

Some people’s behavior takes energy away from the team. This session will explore those behaviors and provide the team. This session will explore those behaviors and provide the team with ways to not only manage the behavior, but to improve it.


Need a boost? Through an interactive activity and using a presenter-developed model, participants will see their strengths in a dramatic way. In addition, we’ll explore theories of motivation that will last all year long.

The Headband Experiment: Understanding Others

Individual behaviors and attitudes affect group effectiveness. This interactive role play will illustrate this principle and provide participants strategies to handle different group differences.